I am fairly young (mid-30's), never smoked nor chewed tobacco, rarely drink alcohol, and my diet is pretty good. I could do with more exercise but I am generally close to my "ideal" body weight. No family history either except my maternal grandfather, who got cancer at a very late age. What caused it? Was it some random charcoal bit from some burnt toast? Was it that anti-freeze chugging contest? We will probably never know.
Been doing chemotherapy treatments for a while now. They are pretty excruciating. I've had to stop working due to fatigue and weakness. Beware, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Google is not your friend here.

I get to stay home more so I figure I will write more. Be positive, take care.
I am kidding about the anti-freeze chugging, of course. It is meant to be sipped, not chugged.